Hello, It's Me

Rahul Kumar

And I'm a

I am that Chamaeleon which changes it's color according to different situation which makes me flexible in working in differnet environment and different tech stacks.

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About Me

if(!Frontend Developer)
then Backend Developer

I enjoy tackling real-life projects because they provide practical challenges that stimulate my problem-solving skills. I am constantly on the lookout Problem Discovery for new problems to solve. Once I identify a problem, finding a solution Solution Finding becomes a manageable task that typically takes just a few days of focused work. I thrive on the process of discovery, analysis, and implementation, and I'm always ready to take on the next challenge.

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My Services

Web Development

I have created a variety of projects ranging from simple landing pages to complex full-stack applications, utilizing diverse tech stacks such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React for frontend; Node.js, Express for backend; MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase for databases; and DevOps tools like Docker.

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Machine Learning

I have created a variety of projects ranging from simple landing pages to complex full-stack applications, including systems like recommender systems and object detection models, utilizing variety of techstack like Python, Flask, Streamlit, Pandas, Numpy, YOLO object detection etc.

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Problem Solving

I have solved many real-life problems using both web development and machine learning, as using only one of them is like not utilizing the resources to full extent looks waste to me. I generally focus on using free services more for small scale applications, but in future will work on it.

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Latest Projects

Netflix Movie recommender system

A movie recommender system designed on Netflix UI.

Email summary generator

Generates summary of your email and send it to your email.

Dummy data generator

Generates dummy data for your Api testing purposes.